Simple Steps to Growing MASSES of Tomatoes!

, written by Benedict Vanheems gb flag

Vine tomatoes

Succulent, aromatic and bursting with flavour: the glorious tomato in all its many wonderful guises is undoubtedly one of our favourite things to grow! My tried-and-tested techniques will help you to enjoy masses of beautiful, trouble-free tomatoes. And we’ll discover how a little pill can boost both the health and productivity of your plants...Yes, really!!

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Choose Varieties Wisely

Getting the most from your tomatoes begins with what variety you opt to grow. Choose wisely! It may seem obvious, but the varieties you grow need to be suited to your climate: cool-climate varieties for shorter growing seasons like mine, and hot-climate varieties for very warm regions to ensure they can still produce fruit in summer.

Some tomatoes are more susceptible to disease than others, so look out for variety descriptions that promise good resilience to diseases such as blight. You may also want to seek out varieties known to give an early harvest, heavy yields and, of course, superior flavour – or all of the above!

Make sure plants have plenty of sun and good airflow

Perfect Tomato Growing Conditions

Tomatoes love the sunshine. A position in full sun (that means an average of at least eight hours a day) gives the best results in most areas, though if you’re in a hot climate you can get away with dappled shade.

The soil should be fertile, free-draining, and ideally shouldn’t have grown a crop from the same plant family (for instance potatoes or peppers) within the past two years. You can really help your soil along by adding plenty of organic matter in advance of planting. Quality garden compost or well-rotted manure, applied lavishly, can supply enough nutrients to last the entire season, and will help with retaining moisture – a lifesaver during the heat of summer!

Tomato plants need space – not only to reach their full potential, but to encourage a good flow of air between plants, which should help to reduce the threat of disease. In most cases this means leaving at least two feet (60cm) between plants.

Plant tomatoes deeply, whether growing in containers or in the ground

Plant Tomatoes Deeply

Most plants need to be planted at the same depth they were growing at as a seedling or young plant. But not tomatoes!

Tomatoes can be planted a lot deeper because they can produce new roots anywhere along their stems. By planting deeper we can create sturdier, more resilient plants that are primed to thrive. Plant deep at every stage: when transferring seedlings into their own pots by sinking them right up to their lowest leaves, and again when planting them into their final growing positions. Don’t be afraid of dropping plants quite deeply into their planting hole – it feels counterintuitive, but you really will get superior plants because of it!

Planting deeply is one of the reasons why growbags and other shallow containers aren’t ideal – they don’t offer enough support. If you are using growbags be sure to buy bigger, well-filled bags; plant only two tomatoes per bag, not the often-recommended three; and add an extra depth of potting mix using a special planting ring or by pushing in a wide pot with the bottom cut off it.

Wire cages make effective tomato supports

Supporting Tomatoes

Tomato plants naturally sprawl. It’s one of the reasons they produce roots from their stems – it enables them to draw up more moisture and nutrients wherever they touch the soil to fuel growth. But fruits left in contact with the ground soon spoil, which is why we train them up off the ground.

A sturdy stake may suffice for determinate or bush types of tomato, which don’t grow so tall. But indeterminate or vine tomatoes need to be supported along their entire length, and usually need regular tying in too. Use strong bamboo canes, string stretched taut or tall tomato cages to keep these plants fully supported.

Feeding and Watering

Watering is one area where getting it right counts! Aim for consistent moisture as plants are establishing and then, once they begin to set fruit, let the soil or potting mix just-about dry out between waterings. It’s okay for the foliage to show early signs of wilting before watering, but don’t push it too far. Inconsistent watering – seesawing between dust-dry then sodden soil – encourages water to rush into the fruits when it’s applied, causing them to split. The best time to water is in the morning, when plants are at their most receptive to moisture.

Consistent watering is key

The tastiest tomatoes are gleaned from plants that have access to all the nutrients they need. Add slow-release organic fertiliser to the soil at planting time, or apply regular liquid feeds using a product specifically formulated for tomatoes. Feeding tomatoes should also avoid problems with blossom end rot, which brings us on to our next item.

Avoid Pests and Diseases

Blossom end rot is a common complaint typically caused by a lack of calcium. Eggshells are full of calcium, making them very handy for your tomato plants.

First sterilise the shells by popping them into a warm oven for 20 minutes, or microwave on full power for two minutes. Crush them up then add them in and around your planting holes. Shells take a while to break down, but you can speed this along by grinding them up to increase the surface area, or even dissolving the grounds in water to water on at planting time. Aim for about two eggshells per plant. Often, though, the simple reason behind blossom end rot is irregular watering, which makes it harder for the plants to absorb all the nutrients they need.

Eggshells can help prevent problems with blossom end rot

Blight is a far more serious threat. This disease can lay waste to an entire crop within days. Good airflow will help reduce problems, as will watering at the base of plants to avoid wetting the leaves. Many gardeners even remove the lowest leaves specifically to improve airflow and minimise splashback when watering. Laying a mulch of clean, dry organic matter such as straw can also reduce splashback. If blight is always a problem in your area then you may find you can only successfully grow tomatoes in a greenhouse or under other protection.

Mercifully we don’t suffer from tomato hornworms where I garden, but I sympathise with those of you who do, as hornworms can strip foliage with ruthless efficiency. They’re also annoyingly good at camouflage! Do what you can to pick them off as you come across them, or deal with them once and for all by heading out at night with a blacklight or UV light, which will show them up as clear as day – or rather, clearer than day!

Pick tomatoes in the afternoon for optimum flavor

Harvest Time

Pick your tomatoes in the afternoon if you can. The warmth of the sun will have developed all those rich aromas, and if you’ve watered in the morning the fruits will have had time to really concentrate that flavour.

Don’t store them in the refrigerator – that’ll just kill the flavour. Keep them on the countertop and aim to eat, cook or process them within the next few days.

Aspirin can give tomatoes a boost

Using Aspirin on Tomatoes

And that little pill I mentioned at the start? It’s aspirin, which is derived from salicylic acid, a plant hormone that stimulates its immune response. Dissolve roughly 600mg of aspirin for each gallon of water then spray it on your plants. They’ll think they are under attack and will up their defences for the remainder of their lives, making them less susceptible to real attacks, including blight! Not only that, but spraying aspirin onto your tomatoes is said to improve their taste and even their vitamin C content. It will even make plants more tolerant of drought and cold. Is there anything aspirin can’t do?

And there you have it – a few tips of the tomato trade to give your crop a real boost this summer. Are you growing tomatoes this season, and if you are, what varieties have you chosen? Please let me know down below.

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"Question: Do you recommend trimming the sucker leaves? If so, how often? I did last year and had minimal results, course the weather wasn't very beneficial either. Please let me know what you practice. Thank you for your time."
Holly on Tuesday 16 March 2021
"Hi Holly. It depends on what you are growing. If you are growing an indeterminate/vine type of tomato, then pruning the suckers is recommended. You probably know this already, but just to be sure - the suckers are the new shoots that sprout from the junction between the main stem of the tomato and a leaf. In other words, suckers are new stems trying to grow off the main, central stem. We prune these out from indeterminate tomatoes as you want the plant to concentrate all its energy into the main stem, and fruit production. In very warm climates with a long growing season I have heard that gardeners often just leave them be, but I have no experience of doing this personally - and pruning the suckers is a surefire way to success. Determinate or bush types of tomato can be left just to do their thing - all you need to do is offer them adequate support to keep them up off the ground."
Ben Vanheems on Tuesday 16 March 2021
"You can leave one of the first suckers ,so you end up with 2 main stems!"
Bill on Wednesday 17 March 2021
"Yes - if the variety is vigorous/you live in a good climate for tomatoes, then you could have two main stems, certainly. I actually did this once with some grafted tomatoes, which performed magnificently even in my cool-damp climate."
Ben Vanheems on Thursday 18 March 2021
"Is the aspirin spray a one-off, or should you do it regularly during the growing season?"
David on Thursday 15 April 2021
"Hi David. In theory you should be able to do it one, thoroughly. This is because the plant is then triggered to up its defences for the remainder of its life. However, just to be on the safe side, I would would consider doing this again maybe a month later to just lock in this effect."
Ben Vanheems on Monday 19 April 2021
"A great read, have learn a few tips I would never have thought or dream of. Many thanks."
Denis HudsonEKF on Saturday 1 May 2021
"At what point in the growing season should the aspirin spray be done? "
Rebecca on Monday 17 May 2021
"I'd do it when you see the first flowers and then perhaps again a month later, just to be sure."
Ben Vanheems on Monday 17 May 2021
"I have some large beef steak tomatoes on my beef stake tomatoes vines. They just keep getting larger and larger. Seems they'll never ripen. I feel like picking them green and letting them ripen on the window sill. I feel though they will loose much of the vine ripened flavor. So far the birds have not discover them. How many weeks do beef stake tomatoes usually grow before they ripen on their own?"
Phil on Saturday 12 June 2021
"I'd hang on in there Phil. They taste so much better when they ripen on the vine. How long they take to do that is something I can't answer as it depends on so many variables, from the weather to the variety you're growing. But I know that beefsteak tomatoes can get very big indeed, so you're probably in for some whoppers! I'd keep them on the vine for now if you can."
Ben Vanheems on Saturday 12 June 2021
"I have a question, my okra leaves are curling or clawing (the new baby leaves at the top) why is this happening and what should I do?"
Jaqueline Anthony on Tuesday 15 June 2021
"Tomato leaves often do this in the heat. It's a mechanism for coping with the heat. I suspect this is what might be happening with your okra leaves. If so, it is harmless enough, but make sure the plants have access to enough soil moisture so they aren't drought-stressed."
Ben Vanheems on Wednesday 16 June 2021
"So for those of you who deal with the dreaded hornworm.... did you know these guys GLOW under ultraviolet light?! Go out in the evening, after it's begun to get dark, with a UV light. The worms are most active late and early, and they are super easy to spot this way! If you have chickens they love them as extra treats too."
Jamie Boyd on Saturday 19 March 2022
"Great advice Jamie. It's incredibly that they glow isn't it - a great tip for spotting them all, as they're easily camouflaged otherwise."
Ben Vanheems on Wednesday 23 March 2022
"30.5.2022 Is it too late to sow blight resistant tomatos now or should I try to find suitable plants? I've had a bad experience with plants ordered from a well known supplier, so am trying to make up lost ground. Thank you, Keith Young (Home Counties)"
Keith Young on Monday 30 May 2022
"Hi Keith. I'd say it's too late to start tomatoes off from seed now, so see if you can source some suitable plants - perhaps from a local garden centre."
Ben Vanheems on Monday 30 May 2022
"Hi Ben, Is spraying aspirin useful for other types of plants or just tomatoes?"
Natalie Plant on Monday 26 September 2022
"It has an effect on a range of plants, including strawberries and potatoes."
Ben Vanheems on Monday 17 October 2022
"I grow tomatoes every year in my greenhouse and get such a lovely harvest. As always I grow Sweet Million and Alicante. Both are delicious when cooked and frozen, as well as fresh."
Laura on Friday 3 March 2023
"They're great varieties - very reliable and delicious!"
Ben Vanheems on Monday 6 March 2023
"what will be the approximate yield we can expect from 2 indeterminate or 2 determinate plants?(in tomato)"
geetha on Sunday 7 May 2023
"It varies dramatically according to what variety you are growing and the success of your growing season. But as a very approximate estimate around 3kg/6-7lbs per plant I would say."
Ben Vanheems on Wednesday 10 May 2023
"I am growing Rubylicious (I hope they do well but they don't have such a nice tomato smell as other types I have grown. Do you know if they really are a tasty variety? Thanks"
Jacqueline on Monday 3 June 2024
"Hi Jacqueline. I've never growth the variety 'Rubylicious' so can't comment on how they taste. I hope they do come good for you and have a sublime taste! :-)"
Ben Vanheems on Monday 17 June 2024

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